Hey there, Goal Sisters! Today, I want to chat about a topic that has the potential to transform your life: self-awareness and personal growth. I have found that becoming more self-aware is like unlocking a superpower that can help you grow and thrive in ways you never imagined. It also is very, HARD. You have to accept responsibility for your role in a situation, and that level of self-awareness is no fun. But, it does give you clarity afterward, and that develops your personal growth. How self-awareness can support your personal growth journey What exactly is self-awareness? It’s all about …
How Bookclub works: I designed the Bookclub to run in six-week increments rather than 30 days because as women we juggle a lot and I didn’t want committing to your learning and personal growth to be another thing on your plate. I wanted you and myself to have plenty of time, space, and the capacity to read, retain, and reflect on the book of our choosing. It is hosted on bookclubs.com, and you can click the link here to join for free. You will receive messages about the book that we are reading, upcoming meetings, and The zoom links are also …
Do you want to commit time to your personal development, but you can’t find it? I’ve been there! The self-accountability to read a “self-help” book once a month is a very daunting task to add to your already stacked plate! So I came up with a way for us to come together and commit to our personal development. Hey Goal Sister’s Women’s Personal Growth Bookclub! I created a personal growth book club in Bookclubs.com, and click here for the invitation link! I am creating this personal growth bookclub because I NEED IT. I have made an outlandish goal to read …