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Category: Goals

How To Plan Your Year

How To Plan Your Year Do you have no idea where to start to plan your New Year? Do you have a little bit of an idea, but need additional direction? This is my process on how I come up with goals, and how to plan your year! How to Plan Your Year With My 3 Steps: Can planning your year really be dialed down to 3 steps? Yes. It takes time in each of these steps, but each step is important in knowing what goals you want to work on, and when they will be attainable to maintain in …

How To Make A Vision Board

What is a vision board? A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals that you have for a defined period of time, usually for an upcoming year. It can consist of images and text that relate to the person making it, and can serve as a motivational tool to keep your focus on continuing progress on your goals. Most of us get super excited about our goals around New Years, and then by mid-February, we’ve lost all traction. Once that traction is lost, our self doubt begins to speak, and those goals may not come to fruition. …

Join My Accountability Group for Personal Goals

One thing I know is that I am more motivated to work on my small goals when I am surrounded by others that are also working on their goals. I am searching for accountability partners to support that. My Goals for this Accountability Group One of my goals is to either host a podcast or to pursue life coaching. I feel that I have a purpose to help other people start small in their goals and I really want to share how I have changed my own life. My personal intention with this accountability group is to learn how others …

How To Do A Mid-Year Check In

What is a Mid-Year Check in? It is simply a way to keep on top of your goals. Do you remember those New Year’s Resolutions you made? Well, in order to create the life you want, you have to stay focused on those goals. Checking in with yourself in the middle of the year, is how you measure where you are with your goals. “One more reason as to why we lose focus is the fact that we are not really aware of our priorities.” James Nelson How to do Mid-Year Goal Check In Checking in with yourself, and reviewing …

10 Reasons Why I Run

In honor of Global Running Day on June 1, 2022, I am inspired to share with all of you 10 Reasons Why I Run. I have only been running for 3 years now, but I have learned a lot of lessons. I’ve had some setbacks, but I am always motivated to push forward, and that has helped me stick with my running goals. Why I Love Running “Running is my therapy. It gives me release. Mental, physical, and emotional release. Some of my fondest runs are when I was blaring music and crying my eyes out, all while trying to …

Goal Setting Is Hard

What I love about goal setting is all the ideas, planning, and dreaming that occurs. But guess what? Goal setting is hard! Why? Because of the plethora of rabbit trails you can do down while exploring goals. This is often where I get stuck and feel like Alice in Wonderland. I get an idea, I decided to research it more, and then the trail breaks off, I take a right turn, I go under a tunnel, and come out on the other side, and I have no idea how I got there, and I am usually so far off course …

Starting a Gratitude Practice

A Gratitude Practice. Don’t roll your eyes at me. Gratitude works, and it takes less than 10 minutes a day. Starting your day in a positive mindset, thinking of small moments to be grateful for. My question for you, is why aren’t you practicing gratitude? “If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”  Roy T. Bennett How I Started With Gratitude Rachel Hollis. She is the reason and the teacher I had for gratitude. I did not learn this practice until I was 35 years old. I didn’t grow …

Self Care for Goal Setting

Good self care is all about building habits and systems that work for you. For me, self care isn’t spa days and face masks at home. What works for me, is creating time for myself to work on goals that I care about, and setting myself up to succeed in my day-to-day routines. Here’s a list of what I think are important factors to take care of yourself and also make headway on some goals. Scroll to the bottom to see what this looks like in my daily life. When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. …

Running A Marathon

My Long Term Goal- Running A Marathon Running a marathon has been a goal that I have been writing down since February 25, 2020. I didn’t write about what led up to me making such an audacious goal, but I did write down affirmations that day. I wrote, “I believe in myself, I chose to be happy. I am strong, I love my body for everything it has done for me. I love who I am becoming. I love myself.” Before deciding to run a full marathon, I had run 2 half marathons and a handful of 5K’s. I had …

Making a 30 Day Goal

“Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.” James Clear My First Monthly Goal My first 30 day goal was to drink half my body weight in water daily and start drinking a Fab 4 Smoothie for breakfast because I snacked so much when I went to work. Drinking all my water was not a real challenge for me, I already brought a water cup to work, but I needed to make sure I was drinking more. Switching my breakfast routine, did take some refining. I heard about the Fab 4 Smoothie from Kelly …