Atomic Habits Discussion Guide

Hey Goal Sisters! Today, I want to chat about a game-changing book that has been making waves in the world of personal development: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. If you’re like me and are committed to your self-improvement, then you’ll want to add this book to your reading list. It is hands down, the best personal growth book I have ever read.

Hey Goal Sister, Womens Personal Growth Book Club, Atomic Habits, Myrtle Beach, SC

“Atomic Habits” is not your average self-help book.

Atomic Habits is a practical guide that breaks down the science of habit formation and provides actionable strategies for creating positive change in your life. What I love most about it, Clear gives tactical and action steps for you.

“Atomic Habits” focuses on the power of small changes. James Clear talks about how tiny habits when repeated consistently over time, can lead to remarkable results. It’s all about focusing on the little things – the “atomic” habits – that add up to big wins in the long run. Whether it’s drinking an extra glass of water each day, going for a short walk, or spending a few minutes journaling, every small action counts. He focuses on 1% changes, rather than changing every single aspect of your life, because let’s face it- that isn’t manageable or even attainable.

Women’s Personal Growth Bookclub

We discussed Atomic Habits in my women’s personal growth bookclub. You can join for free right here! This bookclub is held virtually, but I would love to hold in-person bookclubs local to me, in Myrtle Beach, SC! The conversation surprised me, but it also was exactly what I needed to hear that day. A group of women discussing how our habits are affected by so many things. Including, our mental load, our cycles, our motherhood, our work responsibilities, and our boundaries. It was such a beautiful and honest conversation- I am so honored to have held that space for an hour with these women.

Takeaways from Atomic Habits

  1. Small changes lead to big results – don’t underestimate the power of tiny habits.
  2. Focus on who you want to become and let your habits reflect that identity.
  3. Surround yourself with a supportive environment that makes it easy to stick to your habits.
  4. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and keep moving forward.
  5. Accountability is key.
  6. Focus on the 1% daily actions- that can lead to a 37% change over a year!

Atomic Habits Discussion Guide:

  1. List your rating for the book.
  2. What did you expect to learn from Atomic Habits?
  3. Out of the 4 laws of building a habit, make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying- which one is the hardest for you?
  4. Do you think habit stacking is easier said than done?
  5. In Chapter 9, it says you imitate the habits of three groups of people that you are surrounded by or follow on social- which group of people is guiding your habits the most?
  6. Does your community support your goals and personal growth?
  7. Where can you find like-minded people in your community?
  8. Having accountability is a game changer for your habits and goals. Who is your accountability partner?
  9. Discuss this statement: “The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows.”
  10. What concept did you not agree with or find unrelatable?
  11. What 1% habit are you committing to?
  12. What are your thoughts on using a habit tracker? Do you use a digital or paper habit tracker?
  13. Subscribe to James Clear’s newsletter for practical motivation, advice and journal prompts.

Have you read “Atomic Habits”?

Now, I want to hear from you! What habits are you working on building or breaking? This book is a huge tool in your personal growth toolkit! I would love to hear your thoughts from it! Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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Day 1 of 40 days of blogging challenge.

About The Author


I’m Alicia! I started Hey Goal Sister as a way to communicate with like minded women that want to make traction in their lives but may not know how. This site is about goal setting, advice, and living a more intentional life.